Welcome to Annen Vital

Your specialist in physical therapy at home.

My name is Alexander.

I am specialized in physical therapeutic treatment at home. My goal is to improve your quality of life.

As a studied therapist, I have been working in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for 7 years. In the course of my professional career, I have become particularly involved in the therapy areas of traumatology (treatment of the consequences of accidents), rehabilitation after surgical interventions and gerontology (treatment of physical limitations in aging people) as well as for example falling prophylaxis.

Since 2015 I have completed my additional education in manual therapy and orthopedic medicine and incorporate this knowledge into my treatments.

I speak Luxembourgish, German, French, English and Italian.

I am pleased to meet you!

Regain mobility: 

Your health - my goal!


my name is Davide PALMISANO.

I absolved my training in Germany. I have many years of experience in the field of physiotherapeutic treatment of outpatients.

Offering you home visits allows me to ensure the best possible care in your familiar surroundings.

I speak Luxembourgish, German, French, English and Italian.

I look forward to getting to know you!


Physical therapy in your home environment


Tel: 00352691133086

Email: info@annen-vital.lu

Do you need treatment within the practice of a registered physiotherapist, occupational therapist or osteopath?

Feel free to contact my colleagues in Niederanven:

Centre thérapeutique Wagner:


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